Thursday, January 8, 2015

An Adventure for the Family. (AKA Forced Family Fun)

The adventure begins... with everyone in our little Chevy car, on the side of the road, trying to find the head of a trail that unbeknown to us was like joining Bear Grills on the show "Man vs. Wild."

Dad said it would take about an hour to get to our destination. So off we all went with backpacks full of McDonald's burgers and water bottles. Little did we know what was between us and our destination.

We walked. And walked. And rested. And walked some more. All the while finding shoes along the trail of red dirt.

We figured we had to eat sometime. So we decided to eat at the half way point. 
Guess what the half way point was? 
A tank from World War II. Yep. An old abandoned tank. 

It had bullet holes in the side. Dad said he thought they were from an airplain dive bombing it because of the size of the holes and the angle they were shot through from. 

This I believe is the engine.

We enjoyed our little break. And so far the hike really hadn't been much of a hike at all. So onward we went. Five little ducks following our father into the jungle.
We didn't get very far from the tank when our trail became this:
A steep hill with stair like holes. It didn't help all that much that here is when it started raining. Hah!
The trail stayed about the same for a while. The rain came and went as it pleased. We crossed one shallow creek, then came another rather larger one. The water was a beautiful blue color. Someone (thankfully) had tied a rope to a tree on each side, above a log to get across it. 

After crossing the creek the trail was back to an easy walk. For a while. 

We didn't walk for very long before, 
We saw it. Down below us. 

There it was. Sigua Falls. Well, the top of it any way. We wanted to be at the bottom of it. 
But it was such a beautiful sight. It looked so lovely. We continued on. And that was where it got hard.

Back to this again. But worse. And this was just the beginning of it. 
It was like this for a while. Until it became this:
One rope on each side of the trail. Which now was basically a pit. And you can't tell from this but it was really steep. 
But still! We continued! Mom and dad were above me, and Nicole, porter, Morgan, and Harrison were below me. 
I took my time. Hoping no one had gotten hurt. But then I reached the bottom. And this is what I saw;
Nicole and the boys had already jumped in and gotten comfortable. 

It was so beautiful. When mom and dad got there dad just jumped in as well. 
Mom took her time. Hah it was cold. Just about like Star Valley water. ;)

We all had a good time. It was hot and a hard hike, but we all kept a good attitude and enjoyed that little adventure. By the time we made it to the falls, I think we all had a pretty good idea why there were shoes, and shoe soles, and shoe bottoms, every where. 

In the end we were a mess. And we were tired. But just about everyone said it was worth it. Thank you dad for making us go on that adventure.